Simple Benefits of Drinking Black Coffee

Why do I drink black coffee… I’m not a doctor but I do know black coffee has benefits such as antioxidants which is how most of us in the United States get the most exposure to antioxidants some of us are health nuts so we sometimes may purposely do other things to get some antioxidants as well.

But my main reason to drink black coffee is that it is low in calories and I have a field day on drinking decaf coffee during the day. I know it won’t put weight on me as long as it is black.

The cream and sugar put on weight. If you stick to black coffee it will help you lose weight but you have to be aware of wanting to eat sweet things to balance out the bitterness you have to watch how much bitter black coffee you drink. It can be hard on your constitution and stomach drinking something that really doesn’t taste good all day can give you a depressed feeling and lack of motivation. click for more info on benefits of black coffee

how can you use coffee as a tool?

There are different ways you can get your coffee as a tool instead of just drinking it for its taste in the morning and waking up.

So let’s get into it…what do I mean by using coffee as a tool?

I’m surely not talking about freezing your coffee into a hammer or a screwdriver to hammer in a nail or drive in a screw I’m talking about using coffee effectively to change the dynamic of how you do things in your daily life. Coffee is a type of tool that is a mental tool it helps get you through If you don’t drink coffee and you can be productive good but you don’t drink it. Even though coffee is considered a sober drug it helps in so many ways… 

It helps you use the bathroom if you only take a bowel movement once a week once every week and a half or so you should probably drink some type of coffee you should drink a small amount of caffeinated coffee maybe one big mug or two small cups and the drink decaf the rest of the day to prevent heart problems. Decaf helps you use the bathroom too. So coffee can help you start off your day right.

The second benefit of using coffee as a tool is can help you concentrate and get more work done you can write, can exercise, and once you get your mind shifted to what your highest values are you can do anything but coffee enhances that.

Coffee gives you energy and you can make it through a rough morning. Coffee is a drug it is known as the sober drug when you try to get off of coffee you will realize everything sucks. Things are hard without coffee if you don’t drink it I really question if you are as productive as you can be.

Coffee is not only good in taste but a faithful friend of productivity you can drink it in the summer or winter because you can get it cold or hot and it tastes good both ways I believe coffee is the best resource for energy taste and concentration.

The history and health of coffee

 It seems like every few years you hear a new report talking about how Coffee is beneficial to you. Then you hear a report about how coffee is not so beneficial to you.

At times the same newscasters report different information. Coffee has been around for years and it is something that has helped us out a lot as a nation when I say country I talking about the united states.

And has helped us out throughout the world because the water was so unclean people would drink alcohol as a beverage all the time and people were alcoholics and very unproductive.

When coffee came along and drinking warm drinks like tea people then became more productive. because they were able to concentrate. Coffee has helped with the sanitation of the water because it was being boiled very hotly. Coffee is not bad for you but in these ways…

It makes you more productive and it can keep you get warm it can wake you up and keeps you focused.  But the downsides are that coffee can affect people with hypertension and heart problems so in that way it’s bad and could give you a heart attack and kill you.

Coffee isn’t made for you to drink all day. Even though some people do drink coffee all day. Not drinking coffee all day should be a given, but because some people do drink it all day I need to say this… coffee can give you anxiety.

If you need to drink Decaf coffee you can still get the taste of coffee without the jitters. When you drink coffee beware of how much cream and sugar you put in your coffee. Sugar puts on the pounds creamer can also add calories as well.

When I drink coffee I usually drink it black and there are no extra calories involved black coffee is zero calories.

So when you drink coffee enjoy it the best you can without being unhealthy and using coffee to be healthy is how you should use coffee whether it is for your mind to get some type of writing done or waking up and getting some type of exercise you have to use coffee best of your ability.

When you overuse coffee that is when it becomes unhealthy. When you overuse coffee you can really hurt yourself but the right amount of coffee can be useful. If you have problems using the bathroom it really can help you get a good routine that will help you eliminate.